5.1 The block chain ideology and QTCON
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Blockchain is a completely different approach from the centralized approach we are used to, where someone controls everything.
In other words, this can be said to be 'democracy implemented as a system', which is open to everyone and managed by all those who participate in the new ecosystem.
Even now, electronic money like tokens already exists. Electronic money is managed by companies that are the issuer and operated in the form of gift certificates, but the decisive difference with tokens is that their prices are not fluctuated by the market.
In the case of tokens, it is considered undesirable to have the authority to control the tokens, as they must exist only as one player within the large economic sphere, even if there is an issuer.
If you issue a token and receive the token from the user and exchange it for a commodity, this is because it is nothing more than using the token as an electronic currency.
Tokens’ key structures are mainly composed of 3 elements,
First, it needs to be based on the block chain system,
Second, Tokens’ value change based on the market,
Third, it’s desirable for Token issuers to participate as a single player in new economic areas.
QUIZTOK Tokens are issued and structured by following ideologies.